Style Guide



The key colours or variation colours used within the Fairfax & Favor brand are off-black (found in the shield), navy (a variation) and gold (the crown and 'ENGLAND'). These colours should be carefully used in context within all digital design (web, email, marketing).

  • #231f20
  • 35 / 31 / 32
  • 0 / 0 / 0 / 100
  • Neutral Black C
  • #1F2A44
  • 31 / 42 / 68
  • 91 / 81 / 46 / 47
  • 5255 C
  • #976C41
  • 151 / 108 / 65
  • 34 / 55 / 81 / 17
  • 730 C

Functional Colours

Other colours used with digital design, to support the brand colours are shown below. Black is commonly used for typography. Dark Grey as a labeler call-to-action background with pure white typeface for contrast. Light grey as a less significant notice or block background colour, with pure black typeface for contrast.

Pure Black
  • #000000
  • 0 / 0 / 0
  • 75 / 68 / 67 / 90
  • 419 C
Dark Grey
  • #555555
  • 85 / 85 / 85
  • 64 / 56 / 55 / 31
  • P 172-14 C
Light Grey
  • 238 / 238 / 238
  • 5 / 4 / 4 / 0
  • P 134-9 C

Feedback Colours

These colours simply comprise of success or fail/error, with the familiarity of green for good times and red for problems.

Success Green
Background #EEF9EE
Border #008A17 (3 pixels)
Typeface #739C69
Error Red
Background #FFF5F6
Border #CC0000 (3 pixels)
Typeface #B16666